DONATIONS AND MEMBERSHIPMembership fees are a very modest $20 AUD / 350k VND per yearPayment is due on the 1st August every year. Subscriptions Become a member and support the work of VTVFCF with a small annual membership fee. If you decide to make a donation, please kindly email us with the details so we know where the money came from. Send us a message Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your Message Australia:Name: Sydney Stephen BrittonBSB: 774001Account Number: 200273055orPay ID – Wise Australia Pty Vietnam:VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANKJOINT STOCK BANK (VIB) VUNG TAU BRANCHSWIFT: VNIBVNVXAccount holder name: NGUYEN VAN TAMAccount number (VND): 6227 0406 0166254