VTVFCF January 2025 Newsletter
Good day to our followers and supporters. We hope that you had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and we wish you all well for the NEW YEAR, 2025.
January has been quite busy for us. Tours at this time of the year are our main source of income and as we have had a couple of our guides away for health and commitments in Australia, we have been a bit under the pump. Good news is that we have committed a sum for the next twelve months to an orphanage at Phu My that we were kindly introduced to by someone else in Vung Tau. Thanks very much Bob. This will assist in the purchase of food for the children as they go through 900kg of rice per month! Although our contribution may be small at the moment, every little bit helps.
The orphanage ablution blocks/showers and toilets are in a dreadful state. The children although clean and well presented, are showered in the traditional way with a bucket and scoop. The actual shower and toilet area has no ventilation and the smell leaves a lot to be desired. Also there are ten metal cabins where some of the older children sleep that have poor insulation and ventilation that must be stifling in the hotter months.

Photo of the existing shower facilities and toilets.
We are basically demolishing them one at a time, rebuilding them with proper ventilation and extraction fans, new toilets showers and hand basins and retiling the floors and walls,
Thanks to Syd our Treasurer and building supervisor we have had quotations and specifications, and the Fund has allocated approximately 70 million VND to upgrade the 3 bathrooms and toilets and ventilation for the cabins.
Some of this funding has come directly from two very generous people living in Vung Tau. Work commenced today, the 14th of February. Anyone wishing to contribute to this project can do so through our website. No matter how small your donation will be much appreciated and put to good use.
For anyone that will be in Vung Tau on Thursday 27th of February the Fund is conducting a Poker Run to 5 venues where each participant will receive a card to make up a poker hand. First beer is on us, plus transport and fun. Leaving from Belly’s Watering Hole at 10am SHARP ending at Downunder Bar. Cost of entry 500,000 VND. Prize depends on numbers but will be in the vicinity of 5 million VND.
Anyone heading for Vietnam please don’t forget Vung Tau. There is heaps of history here besides our military connection to the area. Also don’t forget to mention us to your friends. Two or three nights here are very worthwhile.
That’s about it from here at the moment. We wish you all well and thank you for your support. If travelling, travel safe and hope to catch up with you all at some stage.
Best Regards,
Chris Blacket.
Secretary VTV&FCF.